Different Communication Styles & How to Navigate Them in the Workplace

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Different communication styles can have a different effect on different types of people. While one communication style may work for one person, it may cause a lot of stress for another. 

By taking the steps to understand the different communication styles and implement them in the workplace, you can create a better work experience for your team overall. It’s all about understanding how people are different and the benefits that can come from being flexible with communication. 

Different Personality Types in the Workplace

To start understanding the different communication styles, it’s important to have somewhat of an understanding of the different personality types. The DiSC profile stands for Dominant, Influencer, Conscientious, and Steady. While most people will fall into a few categories, it can be useful to understand each one.

Let’s take a look at each personality type and the different communication styles you can use to support each one!


Some of the describing words of dominant personality types include competitive, intense, efficient, decisive, results-oriented, and risk-tolerant. People with this personality type are known to focus on results and love anything that’s exciting or action based.

While they like to leave the details and implementation of a project to others, they’re great at looking at the big picture and having big visions for what’s possible. Dominant personality types can be less patient and sensitive than others.

One of the best ways to communicate with dominant personality types is to make a real effort to stay on topic and get right to the point. You can expect their responses to be blunt and decisive. You should also be ready to answer follow up questions and do so with confidence. This means being prepared for your conversations will be of utmost importance.


The influencer personality type is known to be enthusiastic, lively, optimistic, outgoing, relationship-oriented and persuasive. You can think of influencer personality types as the “people” type of people.

These types of people love interpersonal relationships and collaboration with others. They are upbeat and ready to take on a challenge.

Following through on their projects can be something they struggle with. It’s best to approach your conversations with them in a casual, light-hearted way. One of the best ways to communicate with them is to put the details in writing. That way they have notes to refer back to later on.

You should try to avoid confining them in any way during your conversations and be ready to dive deep into each and every detail. An influencer is sure to be very honest with you and will be the perfect type of person to help shape your company culture.


People who fall within the conscientious personality type are often known to be cautious, logical, systematic, reserved, risk-averse, and process-oriented. This type of person places a high value on doing things precisely and is known to think things through. They love to share their skills and build new ones.

While they can be very friendly people, they aren’t usually known to be the type to spark a conversation or try to make plans after work. The best way to communicate with them is to present the details in an organized way. If you give them clear expectations and the resources they need to do their job well, then they’re sure to thrive.

Rather than giving them criticism, try framing it as feedback. They’ll respond well to feedback that has been thought through and is well organized.


The last personality type is those who are steady. Describing words of this personality type include patient, friendly, support-oriented, cooperative, relaxed, and thorough. They love cooperation and place a high value on stability and loyalty.

Steady personality types are great at adapting to different situations quickly, although they sometimes need some encouragement to help them along.

It will be important to actively listen when communicating with this personality type. You should approach each conversation in a relaxed way.

Try to avoid rushing them into any decisions and instead give them ample time to think things through and get back to you. You can expect them to ask you for details and will likely want to receive acknowledgement for any contributions they make in their work.

Navigating Communication Styles

Breaking down each personality type can be a great way to get a better grasp on how you can communicate with each one. This can help to make communication less stressful for both you and your team members.

Do your best when it comes to getting to know everyone and get a feel for which personality types and communication styles best suit them. While you’re not likely to be perfect at it right off the bat, taking the steps towards improvement is one of the best things you can do as a leader!

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