Unlocking the Power of QR Codes in News Broadcasts: What You Need to Know

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As a news broadcaster, you’re always looking for ways to engage your audience and keep them informed. Luckily there’s a new tool at your disposal that can help you achieve both of these goals: QR codes. 

As the Coinbase QR Super Bowl ad demonstrated, QR codes have become extremely popular as a touchless option for sharing essential information on TV. A capture from a smartphone can trigger a direct download or take a person directly to a landing page, app, blog post, video clip, or any other type of online destination or file. 

In this article, we will explain what QR codes are, how they work, and why you should consider using them in your news broadcasts. We will also provide some best practices for using QR codes effectively and discuss QR code tracking and analysis. 

Introduction to QR codes in live TV broadcasts

QR codes have been around for quite some time, but they’ve recently gained popularity in live TV broadcasts. These codes are two-dimensional barcodes that can be scanned using a smartphone or tablet. When scanned, the code directs the user to a specific website or piece of content. This can be anything from a news article to a video clip to a promotional offer. 

The benefit of QR codes is that they provide a quick and easy way for viewers to access additional information related to the news story they’re watching. This can help to keep viewers engaged with your broadcast and increase the likelihood that they’ll return in the future. 

What are QR codes and how do they work?

QR codes are made up of a series of black and white squares arranged in a specific pattern. When scanned using a smartphone or tablet, the code directs the user to a specific website or content. The code can be scanned using the camera on the device, and the user is directed to the content without having to manually enter a URL. 

QR codes can be customized with branding or graphics to make them more visually appealing. They can also be placed in a variety of locations, including on-screen during a news broadcast. 

Benefits of using QR codes in news broadcasts

There are several benefits to using QR codes in news broadcasts.  

  1. Increase Engagement. First and foremost, they provide a quick and easy way for viewers to access additional information related to the news story they’re watching. This can help to keep viewers engaged with your broadcast and increase the likelihood that they’ll return in the future. 
  2. Drive Traffic. QR codes can also be used to drive traffic to your website or social media accounts. By directing viewers to your website or social media accounts, you can increase your online presence and build a stronger relationship with your audience. 
  3. Collect Data. QR codes can be used to collect data about your viewers. By tracking how many people scan the code and what content they access, you can gain valuable insights into your audience and what types of content they’re interested in. 
  4. Run a Contest or Poll. Add interest or engagement in the news broadcast by running a poll on-air. 
  5. Increase Revenue. Increase revenue by selling sponsorship of a contest or poll, like KGET did. QR codes are beneficial because local advertisers often want proof of engagement and ROI – what better way than a QR code to drive traffic to their site? 

Best practices for using QR codes in news broadcasts

When using QR codes in news broadcasts, it’s important to follow some best practices to ensure that they’re effective. First, make sure that the QR code is prominently displayed on the screen and is easy to scan. If the code is too small or difficult to scan, viewers may get frustrated and give up. 

Second, make sure that the content you’re directing viewers to is relevant and valuable. If you’re directing viewers to a news article, make sure that the article is related to the story they’re watching and provides additional information or context. 

Finally, consider using a branded QR code to help build brand recognition and make the code more visually appealing. This can help to increase the likelihood that viewers will scan the code and access the content. 

QR code tracking and analysis

One of the key benefits of using QR codes in news broadcasts is the ability to track and analyze user data. By tracking how many people scan the code and what content they access, you can gain valuable insights into your audience and what types of content they’re interested in, as well as provide those insights to advertisers and sponsors. 

QR Codes: a new horizon for news broadcasts

QR codes are a powerful tool for news broadcasters looking to engage their audience and provide additional value. As they have emerged as a remarkably effective means of live TV engagement, news broadcasters have begun to get on board. By following best practices for using QR codes and tracking user data, you can create campaigns that are both effective and informative and use them as a tool for augmenting your local broadcasts. 

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