Webinar Promotion Tips and Tricks

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Webinars are one of the most effective marketing tools for companies, period. A webinar puts you directly in front of your target audience and allows you to share your knowledge while enabling you to answer audience questions right away.  

But if nobody shows up, does it even matter? 

Promoting your webinar effectively is essential to getting eyeballs on the content you worked so hard on. In this blog, we cover a few webinar promotion tips and tricks that will help you have a super successful webinar. 

Ready to get started? Let’s dive in.

1. Start with a great title – Capture your audience’s attention! 

First impressions are key. If you want someone to register, you have about 5 seconds to intrigue them with a title that will entice them to investigate further. Attention spans are short, and people are saturated with content all the time, so a concise, compelling, snappy title is vital to the success of your webinar.  

🔥 Hot Tip: Focus on the value to your attendees, and not on your company or your expertise. They are the heroes of this story. How will your webinar help them solve a specific problem? Elevate what they are selling, sharing, or fighting for.   

2. Create an informative landing page

You got their attention with the title, now it’s time to reinforce the value on the landing page. Here you dive into the details, giving the classic “Who/What/Why/When.” On this page, you need the following:

  • brief bios and pictures of your presenters 
  • an explanation of what will be covered 
  • date and time.  

As a rule, be as brief as possible (bullet points are your friend!) and reinforce the value of attending.  

🔥 Hot Tip: Include options for a downloadable calendar invite on the “thank you for registering” page. You’ll want to include Outlook, Google Calendar, Apple Calendar, etc.

3. Co-market with your host

If your webinar presenter is not from within your company, this presents a great opportunity to co-market. It’s in their best interest to get more attendees, too, so encourage them to post on social and hit their contact lists. 

🔥 Hot Tip: Make it as easy as possible for the host or additional participants by creating a branded webinar image (Canva is great for this) and encourage them to share it across their social accounts. 

4. Have an email plan

A structured email plan will help you spread the word. At the minimum, you should be sending email promotions and reminders: 

  • Two weeks in advance  
  • One week in advance 
  • The day before 
  • The hour before.  

Segment your emails for different audiences, and experiment with including relevant blog posts, eBooks, or other content on similar topics.  

🔥 Hot Tip: Don’t forget to let your valued customers know about your upcoming webinar! They might already use your services, but it will reinforce your value and get more attendees to your event. 

5. Blast on social

Similar to email, a structured social plan helps you promote your webinar to a wider audience. Use a scheduling tool like Hootsuite to post to all your social accounts about your upcoming webinar once a week for the weeks leading up to your webinar.  

🔥 Hot Tip: Post 30 minutes to an hour before your webinar starts with a “Last Chance” message It will help you pull in people who are free at that time or forgot to sign up. 

6. Experiment with paid media

Paid social is a great way to capture audiences beyond your email list or followership. A LinkedIn campaign can be a great way to attract interested parties who might not interact with you otherwise. Create a budget and try using LinkedIn ads, Facebook or Instagram ads, and targeted Google ads for at least two weeks before your webinar. 

🔥 Hot Tip: LinkedIn “Look-a-Like” advertising audiences can help you reach people similar to your existing prospect or customer base. 

7. Put it on your homepage

Your homepage is your top visited website page. Leverage it to get attendees to the webinar by including a web section, a bottom corner pop-up, or a full-screen pop-up promoting it. It also indicates that your entire company supports the webinar and the content you are pushing. 

🔥 Hot Tip: If you have a chat function on your website, it’s in the bottom right corner. Put your pop-up webinar advertisement on the opposite side and make the form as short as possible – first name and email are all you need. 


I hope these tips will help to promote your next webinar. Do you have any tried-and-true webinar promotion tips that you want to share? If so, we want to hear about them! Email us at hello@digitaljoy.media. 

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